Strategic. Development.
We build interesting buildings for interesting companies. Lyme Properties is a New Hampshire-based real estate development company that sometimes thinks like a creative agency. Our work is informed by urban planning, architecture & design, sociology & storytelling, environmentalism & economics, history & humor, and people who make fancy spreadsheets.
Lyme focuses on the master planning, permitting, and execution of transformative real estate projects, grounded in a philosophy of community-conscious development. We pursue projects that create triple bottom line value, in the belief that the best projects help rise the tide for all.
Current Projects
Lyme is presently focused on the development of River Park West Lebanon, a thoughtful mixed-use campus located 7 minutes from Dartmouth College.

What We Do

life science + Innovation campuses
At the forefront of the revitalization of East Cambridge, Massachusetts, Lyme helped transform Kendall Square into the nation’s leading research cluster creating a “halo” of life science & innovation space around the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

community-conscious planning
We start every project by engaging our neighbors in Lyme’s Neighborhood Planning Process, in the belief that a proactive approach leads to more productive outcomes than a regulatory process that results in more conflict than collaboration.

adaptive re-use & Green architecture
Lyme builds environmentally conscious buildings. 500 Kendall St. was the first privately-financed Platinum LEED building in America, which received the 2008 Harleston Parker Medal for “The Most Beautiful Building” In Greater Boston.

Past Projects
Lyme Properties is nationally known for excellence in urban design, green buildings, and adaptive re-use with a portfolio of mixed-use projects that have established pioneering standards for architecture, land-use, and conservation.